First day of Pathways’ Virtual Career Fair

On February 5, the Swiss Re Corporate Career Academy (e-CCA) had its first day of its Virtual Career Fair.

We were fortunate to have with us two Pathways alums who were in very different fields – one a brand new start up and the other, an almost 160-year old development organization. 

Mark Joseph Cancino shared his experience as founder-consultant of Ideaversify, a Human Resources and Organizational Development consultancy and Weng Raborar, Head of HRIS Operations – International Committee of the Red Cross who shared what it’s like to establish the Shared Services unit here in the Philippines. 

Interestingly enough, the session today reiterated the insights we’ve been learning in the Synchronous Sunday Sessions the past weeks – that knowing what you want, developing the growth mindset and having strong communication and leadership qualities are highly valued in the world of work.

But most importantly, as participants engaged our speakers with very earnest questions about the job hunt and what awaits them in a few months, they realize they were already seeing a glimpse of their own future – as both Majo and Weng were once like them too – and now we see how far they’ve come.

Thank you Mark Joseph Cancino and Weng Raborar!

The Swiss Re Online Corporate Career Academy is a collaborative project between Swiss Re, Aiducation International and Ateneo-Pathways to Higher Education. It aims to develop students’ confidence and prepare them for internships and the job application process. This e-CCA was a combination of synchronous Sunday sessions and asynchronous sessions from January 9 to February 13, 2022.
